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  1. General information about cookies

Cookies are small information files created by this website or other sources (such as Google and YouTube) when logging in and during use and are stored in your computer’s browser to facilitate the provision of services towards you.

The website may access and store cookies and other related technologies on your computer in order to support its functionality, facilitate your navigation, and enhance your experience while using it. Cookies may contain metadata, technical information and technical preferences, as well as your IP address. Cookies will remain stored on your computer for as long as it is determined by their operation.

  1. Types and Purposes of Cookies

Our site uses four different types of cookies:

  • Functional Cookies: These cookies are absolutely necessary for the proper functioning of the website. These files are temporary and are erased when you close your browser. When you restart your browser and go back to our site, the website will not recognize you.
  • Preferences Cookies: These cookies are used to capture and remember user preferences in our site for a longer period. They also enhance the usability of our website, like language and cookies preferences. These cookies are stored for one month.
  • Performance Cookies: These cookies are set in order to track visits to our website. This information is anonymised and enables us to get a clearer understanding of the way in which visitors use our website, which in turn helps us improve the user experience.
  • Advertising Cookies: These cookies are used to serve personalized ads to visitors and make advertising more effective.

In particular, in addition to the URLs and IP addresses of our visitors, cookies may collect the date and time of your total visits to our website. We may also track the pages of our website visited by users or the search terms entered on our website by this visitor. This helps us keep track of the number of visitors to our websites and allows us to appreciate the areas that are of greatest interest to our visitors.

We use a third-party tracking service that uses cookies and other technologies to locate non-personally identifiable information about visitors on our website as a whole. This information is periodically analyzed and used to gain a wider picture of how to use it on our website. We may share the non-personally identifiable information gathered from the use of cookies with our advertisers and / or our business partners in order to make our website as user friendly as possible.

Some of our business partners (for example, content providers) use cookies on our website. We do not have any access or control over these cookies. This privacy statement covers the use of cookies by ELPEN only and does not cover the use of cookies by any external content providers.

  1. Non-acceptance of cookies

Users may opt-out of such cookies:



Internet Explorer:

In any case, if you do not accept cookies, you can change your settings through your browser settings so that it does not store cookies and / or delete cookies on the web page. For additional information, you may consult the Help page of your browser or visit the website, which provides information on the operation and management of cookies on websites.